Wednesday, November 22, 2006

You've heard it, but did it sink in?

Amazing - in 5 years, the Shrubbery Administration went from +236 Billion to -413 Billion. Sounds like a lot. Look at the picture - it is. 8x what Reagan did w/ Reagonomics, >2x what GHW Bush saw at the end of the 80's.
But hey, as long as it's you and me paying, and Haliburton and friends getting the money, who cares?
Click on the picture to see the full size image. Print it out, stick it on your fridge. It'll give you a reminder every day on why TheShrubbery isn't just fracking up the rest of the world, he's doing it here too.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The War on Terror...

Over at Intel-Dump, there's an excellent write-up on how (a) the War on Terror is not only a stupid name, it inflates Al Qeida's status and gives them more power and clout than dealing with them as terrorists, and (b) equating the War on Terror to the days leading up to WWII is just stupid.

Which is one of my biggest issues w/ the Shrubbery Administration - it's based on stupidity, fear mongering, lies and limiting the publics access to knowledge.

Now that the Dem's have control of the US Congress, we'll see if they stand-up and start trying to steer this nation back to a path of reason and fact, or if they just act like politicians. Not going to hold my breath on that one.